To pay by credit card, please complete the following form to register, and then complete your registration by purchasing at the end.

Sale Price: $1,500.00 Original Price: $2,000.00

To pay by check, please complete this form, and mail a check made payable to “Swimming With A Mission, Inc.”, to Swim With A Mission, Inc., 1 Hardy Road #127, Bedford, NH 03110.


In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Fish With A Mission: 2024 Pro Tuna Tournament, I, for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs and assigns do hereby waive any claims of damage, demand, officers, employees, and agents arising out of my participation in this event, whether arising from a negligent act, failure to act or from any cause whatsoever. I assume the risk of all dangerous conditions inherent and foreseeable in participating in the tournament and waive any and all specific notice of the existence of such conditions.

For valuable consideration received, I hereby grant to the Fish With A Mission: 2024 Pro Tuna Tournament the unrestricted permission in respect of pictures taken of me in which I may be included with others, to use re-use, publish, and republish the same in whole or part, and for any illustration, promotion, advertising, or any other purpose whatsoever and to use my name in connection therewith if chosen.

As Captain of my vessel I agree to indemnify Fish With A Mission: 2024 Pro Tuna Tournament and to hold it harmless from any claims asserted by passengers and/or crew of my vessel.


The rules as outlined below, are established to promote fairness to all participants and to protect the integrity of the tournament.  While the posted rules may not be ideal for traditional commercial fishing practices; they have taken into account the commercial nature of tuna fishing along with the need to maintain a transparent and fair tournament for all parties.

It is imperative and expected that all participants act respectfully and in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.  All participants agree to abide by all laws and tournament rules, and avoid any activity that could be deemed questionable, unfair, or unethical.

Any questions or clarification of the rules must be addressed and clarified PRIOR to the conclusion of the Captains meeting.  At the conclusion of the Captains meeting; it is understood that the written rules and posted scale times become the OFFICIAL and accepted rules governing the tournament.  


All participating vessels must be registered to fish in the “FISH WITH A MISSION: 2024 TUNA PRO TOURNAMENT”, hereinafter referred to as “Tournament”, and must fill out a complete entry packet, damage waiver, and release.  All participants/anglers will be required to fill out damage waiver and release of liability.  Captains may deliver signed waivers with packets at the Captains meeting.

A representative from each registered vessel must report in person and sign in on Saturday, July 27, 2024.  All participants/anglers are welcome and encouraged to attend the Captains meeting and dinner.  All fees/registrations and additional entries must be paid in full by the conclusion of the Captains meeting.

Any vessel that is not registered and/or has not completed a full entry packet and paid in full prior to the conclusion of the Captains meeting will not be considered as a participant and will not be eligible to claim prize(s). 


General Compliance

Tournament participants are responsible for obtaining and becoming familiar with tournament rules and all applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations.



The only species eligible for the tournament is ATLANTIC BLUEFIN TUNA (Thunnus Thynnus). 

All Tournament participants are expected to be in full legal compliance with NOAA/ National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regulations and must possess any and all state and federal licenses and permits required by these agencies.*

All entrants should be properly licensed to fish in the Atlantic Tunas General Category or HMS Charter/Headboat Category with commercial endorsement under NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regulations and should meet all U.S. Coast Guard requirements.*

*Non Compliance Shall NOT be grounds for filing a protest by another vessel. 



There are no limitations on fishing area or boundaries; except that tournament participants must fish in a location that affords vessels to deliver fish to Yankee Fisherman’s CoOp during posted open scale times.  All fish MUST be species specific and be delivered by the tournament registered vessel.  



There is no weather committee. The decision to fish is that of the captains and participants, and is solely at their own discretion and risk. 


Fishing Days/Hours

Fishing may commence (lines in) Sunday July 27th, at 12:01 a.m. and will remain open all fishing days per current NOAA/NMFS regulations at the time the tournament is taking place.  Only ONE fish per open fishing day will be weighed for the HEAVIEST FISH OVERALL category.   Should NOAA/NMFS allow multiple fish during the tournament the following rules will also be in place. 

1a.  Captain will declare which fish is to be weighed for HEAVIEST FISH OVERALL for that day. 

1b.  All fish will still be weighed for total stringer weight.

1c.  Only the first fish designated and weighed will be considered for daily and HEAVIEST OVERALL.

All hookups should be reported or relayed to the Tournament Weighmaster or other boats in the area as soon as possible when the fish is hooked. Upon hookup, a picture taken with Google Time Stamp showing angler and ID bracelet MUST be taken and available to the tournament committee.

Once fish is landed (subdued, tail-roped and is hanging from or lying on the deck) the vessel MUST radio or relay notification to the Tournament Committee, or other boats in the area on the designated tournament channel.  Participants MUST also take an additional Google Time Stamp digital photo of the fish with date and time stamp.  Photos/Video must be clear, have a date and time stamp, show ID bracelet and shall be presented to the weighmaster at weigh in.

General Category Rules apply with the following exceptions: a) no electric harpoons, b) no aerial reconnaissance allowed; including the use of drones, and c) all tuna are to be hooked, fought and brought to boat side only by manually operated rod and reel (hand line or conventional harpoon prohibited except cockpit harpoon may be used to land fish). Power driven reels or devices of any kind are prohibited, including their use as bait rods.  This includes, but is not limited to motor, hydraulic or electrically driven devices. No Greensticks or Bandit reels.  Fish may be fought from the rod holder or freestanding. Fish may be fought by multiple registered anglers. A registered angler is; any angler, Captain or mate listed in the registration packet and issued a registration bracelet.  The registration bracelet MUST be visible in any photo/ video used to clarify any protest, discrepancy and in the required images.

All tuna must measure 73 inches curved fork length (CFL) or greater to be eligible for entry in this category. Please check updated regulations on the NMFS website:

Regardless of the duration of a fishing trip (e.g., whether a vessel takes a two-day trip or makes two trips in one day), no more than a single day's daily retention limit may be possessed, retained or landed. For example, under a three-fish retention limit, whether a vessel fishing under the General category limit takes a two-day trip or makes two trips in one day, no more than three fish may be possessed, retained or landed in a single day. (* See rule 1a for how fish will qualify for weigh in ) 



Tournament Weighmasters will be announced at the Captains meeting and contact info will be in your Captains Packets.  Scales times will be posted and announced by ##\##\####  *Vessels MUST radio or phone anticipated arrival time regardless of manned or unmanned hours.   ###. THIS RULE SHOULD BE DISCUSSED PRIOR TO POSTING/PUBLISHING (Outside of the manned hours, vessels will need to radio or telephone the weigh master at least 45 minutes prior to expected arrival.) 

Weighmaster(s);contact information will be provided in your Captains packets and at the Captains meeting.

*To encourage attendance by the general public at the scales, we ask you to post to your own social media pages.  The tournament committee will also be posting and announcing arrival times on our various platforms and social media sites.*

All eligible fish MUST have both properly time stamped photos to present to the weighmaster. Fish submitted without both images will not be considered for tournament purposes.  It will be the responsibility of the participants to ensure that devices are charged and have proper application installed (GOOGLE TIME STAMP APP).  **PROVIDE LINK TO GOOGLE TIMESTAMP**

It is the sole responsibility of the participants to ensure that images presented are clear enough to be used for verification purposes and to validate or dispute any protest or discrepancy.

All eligible fish must be weighed and certified and must be delivered on the tournament registered vessel upon which it was boated to Yankee Fisherman's CoOp tournament scale.  Per NOAA/NMFS regulations, transfer of fish between vessels is prohibited; additionally Tournament rules PROHIBIT the passing of ANY items to/from ANY vessel.  

In order to be eligible, heads and tails must be left on prior to weighing.

Fish will be weighed by the tail using a tail rope provided by the Tournament.

Participants are required to bring innards and gill plates. They will be inspected by the weighmaster but not considered for weight. 

Please do not leave the weigh station until your slip is filled in and signed by the weighmaster.

By signing the weight slip, you acknowledge that you have accepted the weight of your fish as final and correct. In the event of a tie, the first fish weighed shall be considered the winning fish. 

All tuna, and innards/gill plate must be kept and will be inspected by the Tournament Rules Committee.

Any mutilated fish, or fish to have evidence of any unnatural damage will be disqualified (This does not include gaff and/or harpoon marks, boat scrape, rope/ line marks.)

Any fish found to have had any weight added, or any fish caught or possessed illegally, or any intentional violation will disqualify the vessel from the tournament. 

DO NOT dump fish entrails and/or heads at the marina. Innards and heads will be retained by the weighmaster for research purposes and disposed of accordingly.

Once released by the Weighmaster, participants are solely responsible for the disposition of their fish. Yankee Fisherman’s CoOp will broker your fish at no cost, or you may retain your fish and sell to your own buyer. 



In the event of mechanical failure Captain and Crew may request that they fish an alternative boat. Any such changes MUST be approved by the Tournament Rules Committee.

In the event that one or more rule provisions appear to be in conflict, the most restrictive rule applies and is to be determined by the Tournament Rules Committee. 

All landed fish and innards are subject to examination by the Tournament Rules Committee and/or Weighmaster as well as any authorized governmental entity.  

The Tournament Rules Committee has final and sole authority to resolve questions and/or issues that arise. All committee decisions are final. Protests must be in writing and submitted by the Captain of a tournament registered vessel.  Protests shall be called to the attention of the Rules Committee by contacting the telephone numbers provided, or in person upon arrival at the dock. Grievances and protests should not be discussed with any other vessel or participant until a decision has been rendered.  Protests must be written in detail, should state the violation, the date, time, and location of the alleged violation.  Video and photographs should accompany the protest if available.



In the unlikely event; if at any time during the Tournament, NOAA/NMFS declares that the quota is filled and fishing must cease, the tournament will be concluded and awards presented based on current weighed fish; at the awards banquet on Saturday August 3rd.  Should NOAA/NMFS declare a closure that interferes with the posted dates of the tournament, the tournament committee shall, at its discretion, postpone dates to future dates, or make suitable concessions. In the event of an early conclusion, with no fish weighed, the tournament committee shall, at its discretion make alternate suitable concessions.  In the event that market conditions discourage dealers from purchasing fish but the fishery remains open, the tournament will continue as slated. 



Prize distribution will be based on total entry and awarded 1st through 4th place for LARGEST FISH BY WEIGHT.  Additional categories and awards will be added and posted.  All monetary prizes shall be paid to the Captain or designee by check from “Fish With A Mission”